Should I install Windows 10 on my laptop?

Should I install Windows 10 on my laptop?

Should I install Windows 10 on my laptop?

Windows 7 works for me, (of course, without updates) but it works well. I think you should not change to Windows 10.
This is just extorting money.
There is nothing good there.
Made sure.
XP still works for many, do not complain

You can try installing Windows 10 LTSC.

try first on a virtual machine to see the convenience and functionality, if you like it, install it, and if it lags, install simplified Windows

If you have an old laptop then it’s not worth it. I did it myself, installed Windows on a weak laptop, and when launched, for example, VS Code

If you want to try it’s worth it

I have an old laptop, amd x3 2.2ghz feels great on win7 64, everything I need from it does

I tried on 10 but it flew and lagged with me, and I advise you to see if this laptop holds 64 bits
It’s better to upgrade to 7 64 bit maximum speed, now versions with activated windows (hacking) are released and Offis installations are also word, exel, power point 2016 and enjoy life

Try Linux Mint. My Windows slows down, but Linux flies.
Linux Mint can also be found with Windows 7

No, it’s not worth installing. This laptop is no longer suitable for your tasks. Otherwise, everything will slow down even more, and acne will not go away. Need to take a new laptop. In CSN prices start from 67-70 thousand rubles. But it is better to take a normal desktop computer system + monitor - in CSN from 80-90 thousand rubles. And on this laptop you can score, or put Windows 10 corporate (on the laptop you need from 7-8 GB of space), or Linux Mint 19.3 xFCE. Or Lubuntu 19 /// Windows 7 no longer works in 2020 almost everywhere

I personally don’t really like 10, updates are still oblique, it even comes to the point that the system crashes, so think? I advise you to read here: Windows 7 support is over: what to do?
