Hair becomes oily a few hours after being washed. What can be done? which is better to use?

Hair becomes oily a few hours after being washed. What can be done? which is better to use?
I do not wash my hair every day. It does not help. and changing shampoo does not help either (you need some kind of remedy)

Choose a good professional shampoo for thin or oily hair (and not what is advertised on TV) and do not apply after washing, weighting hair, balms, conditioners, etc. Lotions (professional Wella.Londa can be used for styling) .C: ehko and so on.) And it is better to wash your head as it gets dirty. Wash your hair in the morning, then all day you will have clean, well-groomed hair. I use all these methods myself.

Try using regular household soap instead of shampoo, and do not use hair conditioner.
There are also various masks against oily hair. well, for example:

Egg mask for hair. Rub the yolk with alcohol and water (1 teaspoon each), rub into the scalp after the first wash. Hold the mask for 10 minutes.
Cleansing hair mask. Prepare a mixture of honey, aloe juice and lemon (1 teaspoon each), yolk and a clove of garlic. The mixture is rubbed 30 minutes before shampooing. After washing, the hair is rinsed with nettle infusion.
