How does Google know what happiness is?

How does Google know what happiness is?

Where does Google get such information, you ask me - and I'll tell you - Google write instructions and manuals - so it spreads them)) ...
- who writes, you ask me again - And whoever needs it - he writes, how did you not immediately guess yourself)))

People do not even know what real happiness is.

This is a robot) He knows nothing

Does Google know?

In general, Redkin was a good person, very hardworking, very stubborn, completely devoid of greed. He did a tremendous job, collecting a gigantic collection of diverse definitions of happiness. There were the simplest negative definitions (“Happiness is not in money”), the simplest positive definitions (“Highest satisfaction, complete contentment, success, luck”), casuistic definitions (“Happiness is the absence of unhappiness”) and paradoxical (“The jesters are happiest, fools stupid and negligent, because they do not know the reproaches of conscience, they are not afraid of ghosts and other undead, they are not tormented by the fear of future disasters, they are not deceived by the hope of future benefits ").
Magnus Fedorovich put a box with a key on the table and, incredulously looking at us from the depths, said:
- I found another definition.
- What? I asked.
- Something like poetry. Only there is no rhyme. Want to?
“Of course we want,” said Roman.
Magnus Fedorovich took out his notebook and, stammering, read:
You're asking:
What I think
Am I the highest happiness on earth?
Two things:
Change the same state of mind,
Like a penny I would trade for shilling,
Young girl
Hear the song
Out of my way, but after
As I found out the way.
“I didn't understand anything,” said Roman. - Let me read it with my eyes.
Redkin gave him a notebook and explained:
- This is Christopher Log. From English.
“Great poems,” said Roman.
Magnus Fedorovich sighed.
“Some say one thing, others say another.”
“Hard,” I said sympathetically.
- Really after all? Well, how are you going to get it all done? Girls to hear singing ... And after all, not all singing is any, but that the girl was young, was out of his way, and only after he asked him on the way ... Is it really possible? Are such things algorithmized?
“Hardly,” I said. - I would not take

Google just has its own vision))))

he knows happy people
