Performance issue on a Windows 10 laptop.

Performance issue on a Windows 10 laptop.
My productivity unexpectedly decreased even just starting Google Chorme gives me 99% of the CPU
I had all the rules with the laptop yesterday, then I started playing Far Cry 3 and I was drawn to high ones with absolutely no lags, and then after I finished the game 3 times and 2 times the game crashed with a black screen, my laptop lost productivity, please help how to return performance.

Performance may drop for any reason.
Main reasons:
1. Viruses and trojans, malware.
2. Damage to laptop parts. It can be RAM, HDD, etc.
3. Overheating of the processor.
This is the current main reason, but in order to know for sure you need to make a diagnosis, if you do not know how, then you should turn it in to a service center.

that viruses can overheat it and the service center needs a lot of money to diagnose it, but there is no damage to spare parts.

The price of laptop diagnostics depends on the service company itself, and depends on the laptop model, you need to take it to an authorized service center, there they should give ACT after diagnostics of the laptop and the reason will be written there, if you want to fix it then you still throw money from above and they give it to you eliminate. If the laptop is for many years, then it is worthwhile to inspect the service center, they need equipment to search for defects. Like a technician, an inspection is also needed. You can find a list of service centers on the official website of the laptop manufacturer. Do not hand over your laptop to a makeshift service even if it will be cheap
