The problem is with the dog, epilepsy ?
Hello, I have some problems with my dog. She abruptly delivers on her side and all her muscles are straining. We will wet his nose and somewhere in a minute everything goes away. Veterenary don’t know what’s wrong with him. Chinese crested people.
Find a good doctor! a good doctor should know everything about animals! Poor dog. . .a doctors morons! By the way, I also have Chinese crested down.
If it is Epilepsy:
Dog epilepsy is a sign of neurological dysfunction inside the brain. Its causes may be many.
For reasons, primary or “true” epilepsy is distinguished from secondary. Primary is regarded as a genetic disorder, but its type of inheritance is still unknown. The first seizure often occurs between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.
All breeds of dogs, including mongrels, are affected.
Secondary epilepsy in dogs is called seizures, whose cause is determined. Most often it is:
poisoning with metals or toxic compounds;
electric shock, bites of poisonous snakes and insects;
infectious diseases (encephalitis, plague and others);
intestinal parasites, or helminths (worms in dogs);
head and brain injuries (including at birth or from abuse of a puppy);
kidney or liver disease, diabetes in dogs;
improper nutrition, general malnutrition or lack of certain components in the feed: vitamins B and D, magnesium, manganese;
prolonged overstrain of the nervous system;
in dogs older than four years, seizures are caused by metabolic factors: cardiovascular arrhythmia, hypoklycemia, cirrhosis, hypocalcemia, and a brain tumor.
An epileptic seizure consists of three components. The first, the "aura", manifests itself as nervousness, whining, restlessness, wiggle, salivation, wandering and the desire to hide. It can last from a few seconds to several days, and therefore it is not always noticed by dog breeders.
The second stage, ictal, in which the dog loses consciousness and falls. The muscles of the body are so tensed that the limbs are petrified, the head is thrown to the side. The pupils are wide open, eyeballs roll up. After muscle cramps occur in the limbs and head. The dog breathes heavily, often with a noise. The lower jaw quickly twitches with a spray of foamy saliva in different directions.
Paws are bent and unbent, as if a dog is running fast. Due to impaired bladder activity and muscle tension in the abdominal wall, involuntary bowel movement and urination occur. These cramps gradually slow down and stop. The seizure lasts from one to five minutes.
The next, postictal stage, is characterized by a period of disorientation, wandering, salivation, and some blindness. It can last up to several days, gradually normalizing.
If the seizure lasts more than 30 minutes, then urgent medical intervention is necessary. It is better to take the dog to the hospital by wrapping her in a blanket.
A dog prone to seizures should be protected from possible stress or excitability, worries and stresses. These include breeding, as well as sports competitions.
In case of a seizure, a soft litter can be placed under the twitching head or supported, but so that the animal does not bite. It is not necessary to interfere with the dog’s movements and put any objects into its mouth, trying to open its jaws. The danger of swallowing the tongue is a fallacy regarding epileptics.
The task of the dog breeder is to prevent injury to the animal during the attack, and after completing it, to ensure comfort and relaxation for your pet.
It looks like epilepsy. Contact another veterinarian. Try filming the next pristut to show the vet.
Take to other veterinarians or to another city, you need to take tests
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