Tell me, please, can this contactless payment be made in stores with this bracelet?
I think not, you want too much from the bracelet.
hovering fitness bracelet samsung gear fit
the exclamation mark glows in yellow and all. The phone sees it and connects it and no actions whatsoever (((What should I do ???
If it hangs like this:
, then you unsuccessfully updated the software in it (you may have pulled out the cable during the update).
Try to update the program in the bracelet again, to do this, launch the Galaxy Wearable program again and click on "Update".
If it hangs somehow else, then perhaps you should contact the Samsung service center - their service centers are in almost any city where more than 200 thousand people live.
Samsung gear fit 2 pro does not turn on after the sea
The watch is designed to immerse up to 50 meters under water.
A few baths in the sea at a maximum depth of 1.5 meters
And the clock stopped working
They do not respond to anything, do not charge ... just a black screen
What could be the problem?
Chinese probably?
defective in service
Before that, they swam everywhere (pool, pond, river), but the sea could not stand
drowned, hand over under the guarantee. if they refuse, do an independent examination
Hello everyone, please tell me free games for
samsung gear fit 2
Hello everyone, please tell me free games for
samsung gear fit 2
if I'm not mistaken this is a fitness bracelet on which there are no games
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