Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
Is coronavirus the punishment of the Lord for our earthly sins?
Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
Is coronavirus the punishment of the Lord for our earthly sins?
After all, he does not touch children and spares the young.
God's punishment is yet to come. And this virus is not a punishment from God. It affects everyone, both good and bad. When judgment begins from God, it will affect only the wicked. Therefore, there is still time to think and begin to live as God commands.
turn your brains on. it's a virus, he doesn't care who.
It seems like that. I hope we break through!
Caronavirus is the punishment of the Chinese for eating all kinds of rubbish, one Chinese ate the wrong bat and the virus spread like that
I know that all sorts of viruses are created by people rooted in the United States. You look like Rospotrebnadhor kayfut from Karon virus everywhere send their news! The news about Caron didn’t put the virus. They call and they say like small children. Well, put our news. The higher authorities scold us.
Money ends with the people, we don’t carry anything to the church - hence the punishment.
Coronavirus is the beginning of a new last war.
Yes, they also spoke about the plague
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