Why isn't gothic metal a goth, gotico, Goths

Why isn't gothic metal a goth, gotico, Goths

Why isn't gothic metal a goth, gotico, Goths
It may relate, derived meaning.
The word comes from Ital. gotico - unusual, barbaric (Goten - barbarians; this style has nothing to do with historical Goths) - and was first used as swearing.
But now there is a direction of Gothic architecture, and subculture, and other art.

purely technically nothing relates to the Goths. all classical Gothic bands denied playing Gothic music. 
from here came the general rule: to consider Gothic what the Goths themselves consider as such.
and the Goths do not listen to mitols, mainly because this topic does not correlate well with Victorianism. stupidly scrap to aesthetes (and the Goths consider themselves to be such) to listen to music made with crowbars and sledgehammers ...

if desired, you can find a way from gothic rock to historical goths)
given that everything medieval was called Gothic in New Time, because it seemed wild, where religious mysticism and belief in the supernatural and the fear of God and obscurantism reigned ....
then the romantics added romanticism to the perception of the Middle Ages, i.e., to the concept of the Gothic.
and gothic rock is not an artistic embodiment of all this)
the main thing is to believe less in reporters who write anything)
it’s just not logical that gothic metal doesn’t apply .... either it refers or it’s not gothic
