How can I strengthen Wi-Fi?

How can I strengthen Wi-Fi?

We arrived at the cottage for the whole summer, the Internet is useless there.
 I managed to make Wi-Fi with an average speed of 500 kb / s. The house has two floors, a distributor on the second.
 I wanted to play on the console online, and it is on the ground floor. 
On the ground floor, the Internet catches horribly that you can enter Yandex as much as possible. Please, who can, tell me how to strengthen Wi-Fi.

Look for the best place for a router or try to make a foil reflector.

The option is more difficult - to make an antenna, but there you have to solder, in general, not for you

Buy an access point and an external antenna. Set up and you will be happy.))

How to amplify a wifi signal on a laptop?

A computer and a laptop are connected from one router, when the computer is turned off, the laptop is working normally, when I turn on the computer on the laptop, the Internet speed drops, downloaded the signal amplifier, helped for the first time, now it works badly again, the computer is connected through the lan cord to the router, and the laptop Powered by Wai Fai

So something eats up traffic on the PC, does it turn on the PC affects the reception

Either the problem is in reloading the wi-fi router (because two devices are connected) or the problem is in the laptop or computer itself.
 If nothing helps, you can call the master, but I'm not saying that you need to do this.

You know for these purposes there are special signal amplifiers that you can get in specialized stores
