How to prevent brittle hair?

How to prevent brittle hair?

After painting, the hair breaks badly, it just doesn’t fall off by itself
Help! I ask you for advice. I used to have long thick hair, I have been painting blond for 6 years. But after the last painting this whole nightmare began. It all started with the urgent need to paint, and my master was on vacation and I signed up on the advice of a friend who was familiar with another master. She applied an oxidizing agent to the roots, I sat with him for about 40 minutes, then said “now we will clean the color in length” and applied something similar to the full-length oxidizing agent without washing off the roots. I asked why so long does not wash off the oxidizing agent from the roots, to which she replied “it is necessary to discolor it well”, I began to worry, but I reassured myself that this same master knows better,
in the end, she told me to sit with the oxidizing agent for the entire length +30 minutes. Then she applied tinting paint for another 40 minutes. After she washed my hair, wrapped the stripes in a towel, I saw the tip of the hair that was peeking out, took hold of it and he stayed in my hands .. "Master from God" dried my head, at first it looked more menny, but then, over time after the first wash my hair began to break badly, just fall off .. Since then half a year has passed, I drink vitamins, I use moisturizers I rarely use masks, restorative shampoos, oils, and a hairdryer, but I’m silent about irons, I forgot what it is, but the effect is zero, it seems to me that they are getting shorter every day? Hair breaks to the length indicated on the photo. Maybe someone got into the same situation, knows the way. Help: tell me how to at least prevent hair breakage, how to grow at least a little ???

Pharmaceutical care from Horse Force helped me. Also, the hair broke, climbed, started, on the recommendation of the hairdresser to use these funds and slowly restored her hair. I took both a shampoo and a mask and a blend of oils from this series.

Girl, did you study biology at school? Hair is already dead tissue, it is not restored. The hair was burned, now only cut and wait until it regrows. No masks, lotions, balms will help you, and vitamins too. Vitamins will help grow new hair, but not restore old))
