The question is for women who have been in a similar situation and survived it

The question is for women who have been in a similar situation and survived it

How to be in a stature in the likeness of this? (see inside).
The husband doesn’t go to bed with you for several days, he doesn’t even touch you, like you are a leper or some kind of bum. Not just to fulfill marital duties, but in general .... You ask what happened, why it happens. And he answered you: “I'm sorry I’ll be corrected. I need a break in relations” And he finds time to sit at the computer or spends more time with his cousin and his (brother) girlfriend. Although you seem to be running home all the time from work, you are not just walking, you are running, it’s fashionable to say, you don’t linger anywhere. Can really take a break? Go to parents? Fade away? To die for a while, let him rest for his pleasure until the guests leave? Maybe this is really tired of constancy, or did he have another? He is 30 years old (sort of not small), I'm 21 years old (also kind of not small). We live together for 1.5 years.

he just thinks that I have a lover and, in general, a khan for all relations and a loss of time spent.
Just my strengths are not enough.
You do everything for him and in return you get "I need a break."
We are married for half a year, there are no children yet. I am not going to get divorced, and I said to him "if something happens I will not give a divorce."

My husband took a week off from work at his own expense. So he is at home during the day, and I am at work.

I’m looking at one thing on your mind: “change”, “arrange surveillance”, “ven. disease”, “talk to him”, “find out what’s the matter”. Already checked, talked. If there was any of that you affirm. I would like to hear something worthwhile.

My dear advisers, my husband is married for the second time. The first from him and left from the fact that she had a lover. Although they (from their previous life together) have a daughter (for 10 years their daughter.) I just don’t want him for this lose stupidity. To buy something, you still need to get a salary. Conversations have all passed. If she hadn’t talked, she wouldn’t have known that he needed a break. They say, “You can’t help the case with a word.” But repeating the same thing will not give any sense. WHAT DO I DO?

Poor, so many different answers, which one to choose! Do not listen to anyone, listen to your heart, it will tell. I myself was in a similar situation. I then left my husband and left for my parents. If he stops loving you, far away it is much easier to survive it. Try to think less about your husband (all men are scum and selfish!), Take care of yourself, your work. Maybe you can even climb up the career ladder, because nothing can stop you. Stay a little selfish too! Good luck to you!

Maybe he has trouble at work? or a problem? No need to think about a lover.
But he needs to tell his feelings. Because you are one. And when it hurts alone
the organ then suffers the whole body. And do not leave. Pray to God and ask Him to open
to you the reason for this husband’s behavior. Ask God for help. He does not refuse anyone.

Definitely take a break in the relationship - if there is love - it will not go anywhere and will be together again. If he doesn’t make an attempt to reunite the family - well, of course it hurts, but it would have happened anyway, better sooner than later ... But first, talk to him and ask if he has any serious problems or who is talking about you blurted out something bad ...

In these years, men just have a need for self-fulfillment ... they begin to look to the side and google ... So if you value this man, you need to pay more attention to him, have more fun with him. And if he is not dear to you, then take a trip for a month to rest and think about whether you need him like that ... and make a decision ...

I have the same situation for my husband 30, I’m 22 together for 2 years ... also you’re running home, and then he’s with friends, then at the computer, I tell him that I’m a young girl, I need attention, I’ve got tantrums, then he explained to me that it disappears with age, but he still loves and thinks about me, just shows it less, restrained simply ... and I began to act differently, danced streptis, stroked him constantly, just came up and snuggled like a child and he hides .. no tears and scandals are needed a little feminine cunning and charm, not one man can resist ...

Unfortunately, this is not a break, this is a gap of 98%. All this is nonsense, on the account of living separately, then everything will be fine. And 1.5 years is too little to annoy each other, this is not a deadline, as many write.

Uncle put forward a very believable version ... In general, the same proverb can be applied to men as for women that the less we love them, the more they like us. In general, judging by the written, he is bored with you. So, correct yourself ... You should ALWAYS remain a mystery ....

any other courses. TAKE YOUR FAVORITE YOURSELF. If he has a lover, then you are doing something wrong. And most importantly, I just ask you, don’t check his phone, don’t make time. Watch. I made a lot of mistakes in my time. If I behaved as I advise you, we would not part (with my MCH). That's for sure. He would think that this happened? Why is she so changed. And you keep it a secret that you try for it. And do not blame him for anything. And remember also that what to be, that cannot be avoided. Therefore, good luck!

Do not run home .... Go shopping, buy yourself a new outfit, shoes, handbag, expensive perfume (whatever you like! Don’t save!), Do a hairstyle, a haircut, in general, everything to feel one hundred percent. At the same time, put on your chic underwear ... In general, you should appear at home in this form, it is better if it is a day off, taking a walk and with a bouquet of flowers that you buy on the way. Don’t say you bought it. Mysteriously smile, saying that I am a young, interesting, beautiful woman ... Can't I really have fans? Smile mysteriously, be cheerful. Cook him something, fluttering around the house, start changing clothes in the room with him, let him see you in all its glory! Do not answer questions, get off with a smile. Do not ignore him at all, but keep a little mysterious and aloof. Of course, do not go too far, do not directly say that you have someone. But to make it clear that men like you, that maybe a competitor is brewing for him, it’s very possible! And then I’m used to being near you, behaving like he wants! Most likely nothing is behind it, just used to it! You don’t need to leave, it’s better not to leave the man alone. This is a risk. Maybe she’ll get bored, or maybe she’s going for a walk ... So just linger, pretend that you have your own interesting life: work, friends, some courses, oriental dances, whatever. But start with the looks. Even if you are beautiful, they quickly get used to everything. Change a little bit. If you wear sports shoes, then put on heels and a short skirt ... Cocktail dress ... Anything, maybe you don’t have it .... He is 30 years old, he stirs, I assure you! Do not pull him to bed, after a few days of such behavior, he will pull!
I’m recently married, my husband adores me, but when attention becomes less, I do just that. It begins - flowers every day, gifts, attention to the sea ... So ... Good luck! Then write how it happened ....
