I was sure that for another 5 years they would release games at least.
But now, if you go to the "Coming Soon" page in the PS Store, there’s just one and a half pages of games, only 60% of which are just deluxe editions of the same games that are there ....
Don't wait for new games from Sony. It’s immediately clear from the presentation of PS5 that they decided so .. they decided not to release games that PS4 would easily pull on PS5 in the form of exams.
Here it is about Dimon Souls, Horaisen 2, Chel. a spider with Miles and Retchet and Clank.
The rest of the games will partially come out on PS4 or will be temporary exclusives PS5.
Third-party companies will still release their games, because no one in their right mind will give up 100 million of the audience.
True, not everyone will do that, because Capcom with RE8 has already abandoned PS4.
Another at least a year from the release of the fifth game will be released on PS4
P.S. But not everything is natural, the same Spider Miles Morales will be exclusive to the fifth
Will be. The multiplatform will be actively released on pastgen for another year or two after release 5, until the new consoles gain a sufficient user base.
There will no longer be any exclusives from Sony's internal studios, but they may come from partners, like Persona 5, for example, both on PS3 and PS4.
Yes sir! "One of Us. Part II" and "Ghost of Tsushima" - these are the last games before the advent of the non-Xegon console PS5, which includes the main starting exclusive about the Spider - Miles and GodFall, which is not exclusive) Well, before PS5, Cyberpunk 2077 will be released, which will be on the PS4.
Here the situation is not like with the PS3. Even the Vice President of SONY, Matt MacLaurin, gave advice not to rush to buy a PS5 at the start, since the PS4 is still capable of much. But exclusives, of course, will no longer be on the PS4, after the release of PS5
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